Porter's Five Forces Framework Strategy Consulting PowerPoint Templates
In 1979, Michael E. Porter (currently Professor of Strategy at Harvard Business School), published a 5 branches competitive Forces Framework Tool in Harvard Business Review "How Competitve Forces Shape Strategy".
Since its publication, it is one of the most popular and used frameworks to analyse an industry's attractiveness and potential profitability.
Porter's initial thoughts were to expand a company's focus beyond an over-investment into scrutinising competitor moves and positions, and to look into other forces that may change the destiny of a given industry or market.
According to him, Five main forces are at play in a competitive Environment:
1/ Competitive Rivalry
2/ Threats of New Entrants
3/ Threat of Substitution
4/ Bargaining Power of Suppliers
5/ Bargaining Power of Buyers
The key of successfully using the framework is to understand the underlying parameters behind each Force.
The following Strategy Template Framework downloadable here, aims to give Strategy Analysts, Startup Founders or Executives, a methodology to use Porter's framework to produce concrete & clear insights for decision makers.
Starting from a Classic Approach to Porter's Framework (i.e: listing driving parameters for a given market behind each force), I have made an attempt to try to give a visual quantitative representation of the Competitive level of a market via a simple Area Graph backed by an Excel Model & Methodology.
After analysing multiple markets, the analyst should then be able to easily compare them and select one or more valuable markets (based on the relative attractiveness of a Market's Competitive Strength level vs the Market Opportunity for the Company) to dig deeper in their overall Market Analysis.
This Porter Five Forces Strategy Framework Template series is:
- 5 different Porter Five Forces Frameworks with Excel Models attached (2 classic, 1 quantitative & 2 market comparison)
- with an online & offline 34 step-by-step methodology, with pedagogical illustrations for each step.
Should you have any questions on using this top tier Classic Management/Strategy Consulting Framework Template slide, you're welcome to reach out to me via Private Message.
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